The project’s name IDollz is a combination of words “idol” and “doll”. In fact, it is a series of portraits of contemporary pop idols represented as dolls. In this new art project, Dito explores the meaning of contemporary simulacra. Like Ditology and Ditalians, it is a potentially infinite "variations on a theme".
The idols
In contemporary society, the cult of celebrity influences the identity, the choices and the lives of many people. The mass media are the main creators and amplifiers of this imaginary, following the intentions of the industry of music, film, fine arts, politics, religions. These representations are only simulacra of the reality, but on them many people compare and measure themselves.
The dolls
The representation of celebrities like dolls reveals the mystery of their power: their magnificence does not belong to them, but it depends on people and their investiture, belief and confidence. So postmodern idols become like toys in the hands of their fans, citizens, faithful or users.